Tag Archives: Jilah Rockhole Campground

Jilah Rockhole Campground, Eyre Highway, Western Australia

Rating: 2.5/5

Location: Jilah Rockhole Campground, Eyre Highway, Western Australia – Lat: 31 50 19 S Long: 128 07 48 E

Jilah Rockhole Campground is a free camp on the eastbound side of the Eyre Highway. It has a toilet and rubbish bins and lots of space away from the highway to kick back and toast our last night in Western Australia with a nice Margaret River Chardonnay.

Jilah Rockhole, WA (5) Jilah Rockhole, WA (6)

The 90 mile straight is just that and I missed the photograph of the sign – again. We’re still not sure whether Nullarbor (per my westbound post “two Latin words: nullus arbor literally meaning ‘no tree’) is still an accurate name for the place. Kev reckons we should consider something in Latin meaning a lot of trees. Multus-arbor? Multarbor? Treezy?

Jilah Rockhole, WA (3)It was another great music day. Dear Chris Rea, I have loved your music since the 1980s. “Hello friend (where’ve ya been so long)”, “I’m only loving you again” so “Let’s dance!” We also spent some time visiting a “Secret Garden” and “Philadelphia” with Bruce ‘The Boss’ Springsteen.

There is something wonderful about having time to listen to good music and being able to sing along to it really loud in a place where your neighbours won’t be upset.

On the drive across the Nullarbor, at regular intervals, there are signs and landing lines painted on the road for the flying doctors to take off and land. It’s comforting to know those guys are capable of getting to remote places.

Jilah Rockhole, WA (4) Jilah Rockhole, WA (2)

There are lots of good roadside free camps along the Nullarbor. Jilah Rockhole is one of them.

We are ready to re-enter South Australia to enjoy all those wonderful bits we missed the first time around.

Be safe and stay healthy my friend, and may the landing strip on a road always be your novelty, and never your necessity.

Cost: Free
Dump point: No
Fishing: No

Phone/internet: Yes
Showers: No
Toilets: Yes
Water: No